Can you get rich with crypto?


When Bitcoin was first introduced in 2009, it was sold for $0.00099 per Bitcoin. Today, one Bitcoin is sold for over $60,000. If you had bought just one dollar worth of Bitcoin in 2009, you would be a millionaire today. But of course, 2009 has long passed, and there’s no way to go back in time. 

Crypto keeps growing, and many other cryptocurrencies have been added since 2009. 

If you invest in crypto today, will you get rich? The simple answer is, yes you can. The more complicated answer is, well it depends. 

In this article, I will answer your questions about crypto and its potential for wealth. Let’s dive in!

Opportunities for wealth

Investing in cryptocurrency can be profitable, particularly if you time your purchases well. Assuming you retained your assets and didn’t sell them over time, you would have more than $15 million today if you had put $1,000 in Bitcoin ten years ago. So yes, crypto has the potential to make you incredibly wealthy and we’ll explore some of the opportunities below:

1. Drastic price increases

Cryptocurrency investments are more likely to see rapid—and frequently unjustified— price increases than assets that draw more cautious investors. Their prices are speculative and virtual coins are a newer, less-tested asset class that appeals to investors willing to take on more risk.

This is feasible since cryptocurrencies tend to be quite volatile. It is plausible that a certain coin may attract the interest of a prominent figure or go viral on social media, leading to a sharp increase in its value. 

2. Decentralization

Cryptocurrencies offer a novel kind of decentralization with money. They also aid in dismantling the monopoly of a currency and liberating money from its control.

Cryptocurrencies are safe and secure since no government agency has the authority to determine the coin’s value or movement. 

3. Accessibility 

Apart from a few countries that have restricted their citizens from investing in crypto, cryptocurrency is available to everyone regardless of location. Anyone with an internet connection can invest in crypto, and you can invest with as little or as much as you want to.

As long as you have the interest, there’s no stopping you from investing in cryptocurrency. 

Risks involved 

Although cryptocurrency can be quite profitable, it is also one of the riskiest investment options available. You must carefully evaluate the risks and benefits before investing. Below are some particular risks you should be aware of before investing in cryptocurrency:

1. Extreme price fluctuations

Over the last several months, cryptocurrency values have increased significantly, and many investors are attempting to profit from this trend. 

The enormous profits in cryptocurrency are alluring. In the last year, bitcoin increased by 155%, while its rival Ethereum increased by 90.5%. In the same time frame, Bonk the top crypto gainer of 2023 increased by more than 7,302%.

Those figures alone make it seem likely that Bitcoin will make you wealthy. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that previous performance does not guarantee future results, and investing in cryptocurrency still carries a significant level of risk. 

The price of cryptocurrencies might increase more, but they could also fall. Indeed, the price of Bitcoin has already fallen by almost 25% since its all-time high in March, demonstrating the extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies.  

The fact that cryptocurrency is such a speculative investment contributes to some of its volatility. Nobody can predict what the future of cryptocurrencies will entail. It remains to be seen whether it will be a huge success or a raging flop. If it is successful, investing now might provide significant financial gains. That being said, you could lose everything if it crashes and burns. 

2. Difficult to time 

Because of their volatility, cryptocurrencies are a tough investment to time. You can make a fortune, but there’s also a chance you could lose all your money. 

3. Security concerns 

Cryptocurrency wallets and transactions are at risk of being hacked. There have been many times in the past where the wallets of investors have been hacked and it has led to a great loss for the investor. 

There is a 51% percent chance of hacking a blockchain when a miner or group of miners controls more than 50% of the network’s mining hash rate control. When in charge, a malicious organization may halt the process, reverse a successful transaction, double-spend coins, stop fresh transactions from being validated, and much more. However, only recently hard-forked networks and new blockchains are in danger from this assault.

Strategies for Success 

Even while investing in cryptocurrencies may make you a fortune, not all investors will succeed in doing so. To become wealthy from cryptocurrency investments, there are some step you should take.

1. Choose a reputable platform

To avoid getting hacked and losing your hard-earned money, choose a platform that has good security measures in place. Do research before you decide on a platform to use. The platform you choose should have two-factor authentication and should have measures in place to prevent hacking.

2. Choose the right coin and time to enter the market 

The catch is that to profit from your investment, you must choose the proper coin and acquire it at the appropriate moment. You might lose a fortune if you choose a currency that doesn’t get enough attention or if you join the bandwagon too late. 

It’s really hard to know which coin will be profitable and when to buy it accomplish so since a coin’s price-boosting elements are often entirely erratic. 

3. Consider your risk tolerance 

Before investing, consider your level of risk tolerance. Purchasing cryptocurrency during volatile times may cause many sleepless nights if you’re a risk-averse investor. 

Bitcoin often experiences dips of 20% or more, and in the past, it has had losses of up to 80%. Cryptocurrency may not be the ideal choice if the mere thought of your assets losing 80% of their value makes you perspire. 

4. Have a stable financial status

Before you ever contemplate investing in cryptocurrency, make sure your financial status is stable. Make sure you have a healthy emergency fund with at least three to six months’ worth of savings and only invest money you can afford to lose.

This way, in the event of an unforeseen expenditure, you won’t have to liquidate your cryptocurrency holdings. 

5. Have a well-diversified portfolio

Ensure that your portfolio is robust and well-diversified. You should have a strong core portfolio that you can fall back on in case your Bitcoin investments take a bad turn since cryptocurrencies are very hazardous.

You want them to be a part of a diversified portfolio to lower the danger of large losses and increase the likelihood of making handsome returns. 

6. Educate yourself 

No matter how profitable crypto is, you are doomed for failure if you rush in without understanding the market. Get a basic knowledge of the market and major coins first, then invest cautiously.

As you continue to invest and explore the market, you will gain a better understanding of cryptocurrency, then you can make more risky investments.


Investing in cryptocurrency can go either way, you could make a fortune or lose all your investments. Even if cryptocurrency may sometimes lose value, it has increased in value significantly since its debut. However, this does not mean that it will continue to do so well in the market. There is a chance that the coin you invest in may lose all its value. 

The key to making a fortune with crypto is consistency and patience. Cryptocurrency always increases in value so even if the market drops from time to time, it always goes back up. 

To purchase virtual currencies wisely and feel comfortable keeping them for an extended time, you need to thoroughly investigate them. This helps you accumulate money over time and increases the likelihood that your investment will pay off in the long term.

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About the author

Habibat Musa

Habibat Musa is a content writer with She writes predominantly on topics related to education, career and business. She is an English language major with keen interest in career growth and development.