In the world of finance, engineering, and business, the term “leverage” holds...
Category - Concepts
Get a proper understanding of popular, new, and trending concepts all explained by experts for everyone to grasp.
Finance: Meaning, types, history and more
What is finance Finance is a field that deals with cash management and investments. It...
Fixed asset: meaning, categories, characteristics and more
What are fixed assets? Fixed assets are tangible or physical assets that are acquired by a business...
Depreciation: meaning, types and more
What is depreciation? Depreciation is a term used in accounting that refers to the decrease in...
Limited partnership: meaning, pros and cons
What is a limited partnership? A limited partnership is a type of business structure where two or...
Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate (SONIA): meaning, how it works and more
The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) used to be the dominant rate used to provide efficient...
Caveat Emptor: meaning, importance and more
What is caveat emptor? Caveat Emptor is a Latin term that translates to “Let the buyer beware...
Debtor: meaning, implications and more
Debt is a common concept that many individuals and organizations face in their daily lives. When...
Creditor: meaning, types and more
Who is a creditor? A creditor is an individual or organization that lends money or extends credit...
Liquidation: meaning, types and more
What is liquidation? Liquidation is a term that is often used in business and financial contexts...