Becoming a GOtv and DSTV agent or dealer is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money. It is a profitable business in Nigeria. This is because many people in Nigeria use GOtv or DSTV. DStv is home to many channels and shows such as Africa Magic, SuperSport, Nickelodeon and Telemundo. GOtv is a brother to DStv owned by same company, MultiChoice.
Nigeria is the biggest market for MultiChoice in Africa, accounting to 40% of their total subscriber base. This article is a detailed guide on how to become a GOtv or DStv agent or dealer
There is no difference between being a Gotvt/DSTV dealer or agent, as both are usually used interchangeably. Being a GOtv/DStv agent or dealer will require you to first and foremost know what type of agent you plan on becoming. DSTV has two types of distributors or agents; these are the super distributors or agents and the sub distributors or agents.
So, what do GOtv/DStv distributors or agents do?
- GOtv/DStv distributors or agents purchases Gotv/DStv materials in large quantities from the company and sell to sub-agents or sometimes GOtv or DStv users.
- The distributors or agents organize GOtv/DStv installation training for individuals, on how to become GOtv/DSTV sub-agents.
- GOtv/DSTV distributors or agents have a number of in-house DSTV trained DSTV experts who can handle complex DSTV issues and complaints.
Becoming a GOtv/DSTV sub-distributor or agent does not require a lot of investment, as you are most likely to only pay for learning the installation procedures including other related technical services and work. A GOtv and DStv Super Distributor on the other hand is the opposite of the Sub-distributor or agent. This requires considerable capital to start.
If your choice is to become a GOtv/DStv Super Distributor or Agent, then you should have considerable funds. To become a super distributor or agent, you will have to pay millions. By becoming a super distributor or agent, you are buying into the GOtv/DStv franchise.
Becoming a GOtv and DStv Agent requires that you provide certain services to new customers. You are expected to handle;
- The provision of after sales support to clients.
- The activation of new subscribers.
- Sale or exchange of decoders for newer models.
- The provision of technical services such as the installation of the dishes for clients (this is mostly done through installation technicians trained by you).
- Subscription renewal.
- Customer service.
- Activation of new subscribers among other functions.
As a super distributor or agent, you are to provide services where GOtv/DStv offices are not located.
To perform all of these functions as a DStv agent or distributor , you will be trained by GOtv/DSTV. This is after having satisfied the franchise fee requirement.
DSTV distributors or agents are normally located in both large cities and towns. This is because these areas are where the customer population is considerably high. So as a GOtv and DSTV dealer, you are most likely to reside within a town or a big city.
How to become a GOtv and DSTV agent or dealer
Follow these steps to become a GOtv or DStv Agent:
1. Get Capital
To become a GOtv and DSTV dealer or agent, you have to pay the necessary fee so you can be trained. If you do not pay this fee, you will not be trained by the company.
To work as a DSTV distributor or agent, the first thing you want to consider is your financial capability.
If you can afford a huge start-up cost, then you may consider setting up your business as a DSTV super distributor or agent.
Otherwise, you would have to start up your business as a DSTV sub-agent.
To be on the safer side, you can start out by initially setting up as a DSTV sub-agent. If you start operating as DSTV sub-agent, and you believe it is something you can do long term, you can then pay the necessary fee to become a DSTV super agent.
2. Get Training
The training requirement of becoming a GOtv or DSTV agent is important. MultiChoice is the parent company for GOtv and DSTV, which offers training for interested individuals who would like to become either accredited or qualified installers.
Steps to register as agent
Step 1
Download the registration form from DSTV website
Step 2
Fill out the form and send it to the company e-mail shown on that link.
The training requirements of the company, however, involve the payment of a franchise fee to the company. MultiChoice will also provide you with the necessary required knowledge and materials you need to get started as distributors or agents. To emerge as a qualified installer after the registration, the applicant:
- Must attend technical training courses held by Multichoice
- Must pass his formal assessment examinations.
- Customer Relations
Becoming a DSTV a dealer requires meeting customers from different walks of life. You will meet customers with different needs, personalities and character flaws. There is the cool tempered, easy going guy who merely wants a subscription plan activated. This type of customer is polite and knows exactly what he wants. Your experience with this type of customer is likely to be a pleasant one.
There is also the loud, arrogant guy who feels angered about the DSTV E16 error on his screen. This type of customer would like to revenge or retaliate. Such a customer might complain endlessly about the services you are offering him as DSTV dealer. You act as a representative for MultiChoice, so you are treated badly by this customer. You have to be patient with this type of customer. If you do otherwise, the situation can become ugly really quickly.
As a DSTV dealer, you have to deal with such customers carefully and see that their issues are solved by you. Make sure you find solution to all of their complaints.
To become a successful DSTV distributor, having good interpersonal skills, great customer service, patience helps your customer base grow rapidly.
All these requirements have to be fulfilled for you to become a successful DSTV dealer, especially in Nigeria.
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Im from Ghana how can I be a dealer here in ghana
please someone help me I need 5,000
please what are the steps an prerequisites to becoming a Multichoice dealer
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