How to revive a failing business

a failing business

Having a business that is failing is a devastating situation to be in, but it’s not time to wallow in despair. Giving up on the company while there is still room for growth is a different kind of failure. Figuring out a way to save it should be the next step in your agenda. 

If you’re facing bankruptcy, you may believe that you have run out of alternatives and that there is no way out of your predicament. However, you can still revive your failing business and turn it into the success you have always envisioned it to be. 

If your business is failing and you’re at a loss for what to do, then keep reading as I’ll walk you through how you can revive your failing business. 

1. Accept that your business is failing 

They say ‘a problem well known is a problem half solved’, and that is always true. Unless you realize there is a problem, you will never sit down to think of a solution. Do not close your eyes to all the problems your business is facing hoping that it will all go away if you ignore it long enough. The truth is, it will not and it will only get worse. Wishful thinking will not get you anywhere in the world of entrepreneurship. If there is a problem, recognize it as so and start thinking of ways to solve it as soon as possible. 

You will only know if there is a problem if you are keeping track of all the activities of your company. Your business will not take off as soon as you start, but when you notice a decline in performance over several months then you know something is wrong. The earlier you can notice and accept that your business is failing the more hope there is for revival.

2. Do not give up 

Just because your business is failing does not mean that you should declare bankruptcy and allow all your hard work, money, and time to go down the drain. Some of these difficulties are often an inherent aspect of starting a business. Don’t lose the enthusiasm and drive that prompted you to start your business in the first place, and use this as a motivation to work harder.

The first thing you must do is alter your perspective. When your company is having trouble, it’s easy to become depressed and see the glass as half empty. However, you must adopt a different perspective if you want to recover.

3. Examine the overall performance of the company 

The next step is the assess how bad the situation is to know how aggressive you need to tackle it. It could be a slight decline in profits that could easily be fixed or huge management issues that require more drastic measures. 

Assessing your company is one of the first stages in turning a failing enterprise around. Without this, it is quite difficult to identify the issues facing your company and find solutions. You have to identify precisely what led you to this situation to reverse your course and bring your failing company back to life. To do this, perform a thorough evaluation of your company operations, assessing intently the following areas: 

  • Learn what you could have done, how you could have done it, what you were unable to do, and how completing those tasks may have affected your company.
  • Get all of the company paperwork ready for review. This covers all accounting documents, stock, performance reports, company strategies, documented procedures, and KPIs for every team.
  • Analyze marketing and sales forecasts. These are mostly required for the analysis of the business and the operational issues that it encountered.
  • Examine the company’s prior results, whether they span a quarter or a year. Examine its leads, market, and if it still has room to recover.

4. Review your business strategy

Even if you can pinpoint the problems of your company to a specific area, it is still a good idea to go over your entire business strategy. Because if there is an issue in one area, there is a high chance that you’ll find problems in others too. Examine the whole company strategy, including the predictions and the purpose, vision, goals, and objectives. Compare that to the situation as it is right now. Determine what went wrong and come up with a fix for it.

5. Identify the reason for your failure

There are several reasons why your business is failing, and only when you can find out why can you begin to find a solution. Determine the reasons behind the failure and make use of this information to avoid it happening again.  

6. Ask for help

No matter how small your business is, it is not advisable to try to shoulder everything alone. You need help and advice from others. If you have tried once and failed, then it is time to seek outside help. It could be family, friends, or acquaintances. For better results find experts in your field even if you have to pay for their services. 

7. Establish a goal

If you have already figured out where the issues lie, then congratulations, but you still have a long way to go. Finding a solution to your business’s problems is the next step in revitalizing it now that you have a better understanding of what went wrong. But before that, you need to establish some goals first. 

Choose a reasonable objective that you can accomplish in a certain amount of time. Recall that now is not the appropriate moment to list a lot of objectives. Concentrate on selecting a few realistic goals that you can accomplish in a short amount of time to help your business recover. 

How do you want the situation in your business to change in the next week, one month, and one year to come? Having a goal in mind will give you a clearer picture of what you need to do to achieve it and a greater motivation to do so.

8. Create a strategic plan

What actions can you take to fulfill the objectives you wrote down? Developing a new business plan comes next in the process of turning a failing company around once you have established your goals.

The fact that you are not an expert is irrelevant. What you need to do is develop a methodical plan supported by research that will enable you to accomplish the previously mentioned new objectives.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, so don’t stress. Remain realistic and straightforward. You may want to check out what your rivals are doing while you’re at it. It doesn’t imply that you have to adopt their tactic. However, you can always select a few elements and modify them to fit your needs if it’s working for them.

Recall that your company strategy needs to be flexible. It may sometimes be necessary to continuously experiment and modify your approach until you discover what works for you.

9. Put your plan into action 

Your business plan may be fantastic, but it is just words on paper if you do not implement it. You need to bring it to life if you want to turn around your failing business. 

You must adhere to a straightforward, foolproof, step-by-step process that will both turn around and maintain your failing small company

10. Analyze your Results

As someone who is committed to turning around your failing company, you must assess your results after completing the aforementioned actions. This will assist you in determining whether or not the actions you have already made have had any results. If so, are there any areas you might work on to enhance your performance? When you find that nothing has changed, you will know it’s time to adjust your approach and give something new a try.


It’s not time to declare bankruptcy yet as there might still be a chance to breathe life into your dying business. If your business is failing, you have a lot of work ahead of you as you must work ten times as hard to keep your business afloat. One thing you should always keep in mind is that giving up is not an option until you have exhausted every means available to save your business. 

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About the author

Habibat Musa

Habibat Musa is a content writer with She writes predominantly on topics related to education, career and business. She is an English language major with keen interest in career growth and development.